Invading races from the Malazan Book of the Fallen series

In the Malazan Book of the Fallen fantasy series by Steven Erikson, there are four races which are not native to the Malazan World. They are the three Tiste races (the Tiste Andii, the Tiste Edur, and the Tiste Liosan) and the Eleint race, a race of dragons.

The Tiste races are not one of the founding races, but invaded from their warrens. The Tiste races are humanoid, but alien to the world of the Malazans. With their epicanthic eyes, height, and long lifespans, the Tiste are the closest that the Malazan series comes to involving elves. Each of the three Tiste races are "children" of either the Elder Warrens of Light (Liosan), Darkness (Andii), or Shadow (Edur). Each also has a Soletaken draconean leader birthed directly by the forces that gave rise to each race: Anomander Rake, Andarist, and Silchas Ruin (Tiste Andii) from Mother Dark, Osserc (Tiste Liosan) from Father Light, and Scabandari Bloodeye (Tiste Edur) from both Mother Dark and Father Light, forming Shadow. Each leader is considerably more potent than the rest of their more common kin and were considered the undisputed leaders of their respective races. Rake still leads his people, while Osserc has turned away from that role and Scabandari Bloodeye was forcibly removed from it.

The Eleint race is also not a founding race. They were birthed in Chaos, and now reside in Starvald Demelain, however some have been found in other realms. In Shadow (Meanas), Ampelas, Karse, Eloth are three dragons imprisoned; Cotillion does not know the reason for their imprisonment. The Soletaken are children of Tiam, yet are not pure-blood Eleint, however they do possess the power of the Eleint. They are free to go where they please and have become a problem for the warrens, for every gate is a wound to the warren. Scabandari Bloodeye is blamed for doing the first harm to the warrens when he created a gate in Kurald Emurlahn.


Tiste Andii

The Tiste Andii are a race found in the Malazan Book of the Fallen. They are not one of the four founding races but invaders from another world.


The Tiste Andii are taller than humans are, though of similar proportions. Their skin is ebony-black, with slanted, epicanthic, almond-shaped eyes that change color with their moods. Their hair is silver, white, black, or rarely red, and generally kept long. The Tiste Andii are extremely long-lived (Anomander Rake is at least 300,000 years old), and aging is slow. Barring accidents or death through violence, they may live forever. Some Eleint Andii (Dragon mix-blood) keep a younger appearance normally between twenties and forties. The Tiste Andii are close kin to the Tiste Edur and Tiste Liosan, though they do not share genetic descent or respect.


The Tiste Andii are invaders from the Warren of Darkness, and are therefore not native to the Malazan world. Long-lived and slow breeding, the Tiste Andii as a race tend towards melancholy and apathy. The majority of the Tiste Andii lived in Moon's Spawn for many millennia, an ancient K'Chain Che'Malle Skykeep that they have taken over after finding it abandoned in the Arctic of Genabackis. For years the Andii traveled the world as decided by Anomander Rake, their half-Andii, half draconic Soletaken ruler. In much of this time, they acted as mercenaries for causes decided upon by Rake. A detachment, led by Rake's brother Andarist, dedicated themselves to protect the Throne of Shadow on the island of Drift Avalii.

The Tiste Andii from the original invading population formed an alliance with the Tiste Edur against the K'Chain Che'Malle. These Tiste Andii led by Silchas Ruin were betrayed by their Edur ally, Scabandari Bloodeye. Those not murdered live in Bluerose, a tiny mountain city inland of the Letherii empire living in hiding for thousands of years and ruling the human population from the caverns under the city itself.

Interactions with the Malazan Empire

The Andii's primary interactions with the Malazan Empire occurred in their role of paid mercenaries opposing the Malazan armies at Pale and Darujhistan, and in cooperation with the exiled Second army against the Pannion Domin. After the fall of Coral with the city in sorcerous darkness, the surviving Andii settling in the area exist in a state of political flux - the Malazan empire claimed the area around Black Coral that belonged to the Pannion Domin before its fall, while the Andii claim sanctuary and ownership of the permanently shadowed city. The shadowing of the city was caused by a full unveiling of their power.

Appearances in the Novels

The Tiste Andii make major appearances in the novels, most notably in Gardens of the Moon, Memories of Ice, and Toll the Hounds, though a minor character appears in The Bonehunters. Reaper's Gale features an Andii from Bluerose, an assassin and Mortal Sword of the Black Winged Lord, named Clip, as well as two survivors of Drift Avalii named Nimander Golit and Phaed. Also, a regiment of Andii appear briefly in "House of Chains" when Cutters and Apsalar aid Andarist's followers fend off an Edur raid to obtain the Throne of Shadow.

The Tiste Andii play a major role in Toll the Hounds, specifically in regards to their warren, Kurald Galain, and their relationship to Mother Dark. The Tiste Andii appearances in this novel consist of two factions: the denizens of Black Coral, and the survivors of Drift Avalii led by Clip and Nimander Golit. Additionally, the two Soletaken Tiste Andii Korlat and Orfantal appear in this novel.

Anomander Rake

Rake is a half-draconic soletaken, first son of Mother Dark and leader of the Tiste Andii. He is also known as Anomandaris Irake, Anomander Purake, Anomandaris Dragnipurake, Son of Darkness, Blacksword (by the Seguleh), Mane of Chaos and the Black-Winged Lord. In the Deck of Dragons he holds the title of Knight of High House Dark.


Rake is a Tiste Andii, nearly seven feet tall, with ebony-black skin, silver hair, sharp features and eyes with epicanthal folds and vertically slitted pupils whose irises change colour depending on his mood. Rake can also change form to an enormous, silver-maned black dragon. Rake is also currently the wielder of Dragnipur, a silver-hilted bastard sword forged by the Elder God Draconus.


Anomander Rake is the premiere mage of his race, and master of two Warrens - Kurald Galain (the Elder Warren of Darkness) and Starvald Demelain (the Elder Draconic Warren).

Rake can shapeshift into the form of an enormous black dragon, whose mouth is the gate to Kurald Galain. In this form, his eyes and mane are silver.

Rake is a formidable armed combatant, even using conventional means. Rake successfully fought his way through the city of the master swordspeople, the Seguleh, attaining the rank of Seventh - the seventh greatest swordsman in the entire people. Rake was forced to withdraw due to exhaustion before meeting the First. Using Dragnipur, Rake slew two Hounds of Shadow. Within the sword Dragnipur are many ascendants, demons and dragons including the elder god Draconus, showing the prowess of Rake with the weapon. The warrior Karsa Orlong is humbled when seeing Rake and Dessembrae draw swords and he is only defeated by allowing himself to be killed.


The sword Dragnipur is a long, silver-hilted bastard sword, with an inky-black blade that absorbs all light. The sword is a Warren containing the gate to the Realm of Darkness. This gate is held within an immense cart, which is drawn by chains linked to the souls of all individuals who have been slain with Dragnipur, including the forger of the sword, the Elder God Draconus. The cart is endlessly followed by a chaos storm, until Toll the Hounds when it is confronted by the inhabitants of the sword.

Appearances in the series

Rake has appeared in three novels in the series to date - Gardens of the Moon, Memories of Ice and Toll the Hounds, though he is mentioned by name in most, if not all, other books in the series.


Tiste Edur

The Tiste Edur are a race found in the Malazan Book of the Fallen. They are not one of the four founding races but are invaders from a shattered world.

Edur anatomy

The Tiste Edur are taller than humans, though of similar proportions. Their skin is a dull grey colour of a hue not found in humans, with slanted, epicanthic, almond-shaped eyes. Hair ranges from dark red to dark brown, and greys with age. The Tiste Edur are close kin to the Tiste Liosan and Tiste Andii, though they do not share genetic descent. The Tiste Edur are looked down upon by the Tiste Liosan and with hatred by the Tiste Andii on Lether. The Edur are extremely long-lived, but unlike the Andii and Liosan are not immortal. Female Edur mature more quickly than males.

Edur culture

The Tiste Edur originally come from the Shattered Warren, Kurald Emurlahn, the Elder Warren of Shadow. The Edur were originally invaders from the Warren, forming a large part of the army that fought the K'Chain Che'Malle along with the Tiste Andii. After the battle, the Edur turned on the Andii and wiped them out. The Edur's leader, Scabandari Bloodeye, disappeared shortly after and the Edur decayed from an advanced species into a tribal group isolated to the northeast portion of Lether and several other minor pockets on other continents, such as far west of Seven Cities.

All comments that follow refer to the majority of the species located on the continent of Lether.

Descent is patrilineal, though the females have a strong influence over the family. The Edur are organized into tribes, and these tribes became united prior to Midnight Tides by Hannan Mosag, the Warlock King. Decisions are made with input from the elders of the tribe, though blooded warriors are allowed to observe events. The Edur also have elaborate funeral rites where coins (gold, silver or bronze, the metal dependant on the Edur's status in the tribes) are melted on the skin of the Edur dead and then they are placed in the Bloodwood forest with a guard to protect the body from spirits looking for a vessel. After the ascent of the Emperor, Rhulad Sengar, the Edur became far more warlike and dominated by the commands of the Emperor.

Edur interactions with the Malazan Empire

The Tiste Edur has had significant interactions with the Malazan Empire. During the events of The Bonehunters, the main fleet of the Malazan Empire crossed paths with one of the exploratory fleets of the Tiste Edur. The Edur threatened to destroy the Malazan fleet with sorcery, but the Malazan High Mage Quick Ben bluffed his way past with unknowing help from Bottle and the goddess Eres'al, thus allowing the fleets to pass without conflict.

Another contact with the Malazan Empire proper is during Memories of Ice when the Malazan 2nd army encounters a body of an Edur who has undergone extreme compression caused by sudden appearation/teleportation in the deep depths of the sea.

In Reaper's Gale, the Malazan 14th Army, although not acting under the authority of the Empress, invaded the continent of Lether and defeated numerous Tiste Edur armies sent against it until it liberated the capital city, Letheras, from Edur rule.

Edur appearances in the novels

The events of Midnight Tides almost exclusively discuss the interactions between the Edur and the human empire of Lether, from contact to invasion and conquest. There is also the aforementioned contact of the two fleets within The Bonehunters. The events of House of Chains also features the character of Trull Sengar, an outcast of the Tiste Edur, who is freed by a T'lan Imass within one of the fragments of the Shattered Warren named Nascent. Also stitched throughout the series is the ongoing appearance of the Silanda, an Imperial dromon which features disjointed appearances of the Tiste Edur and the aftermath of their encounter with Karsa Orlong.

Edur characters

Tiste Liosan

The Tiste Liosan are a race found in the Malazan Book of the Fallen. They are not one of the four founding races and only have contact with the Malazan world due to a breach of the barriers surrounding their Warren of Kurald Thyrllan possibly through the human use of Telas, the Path of Fire and the Imass use of the Tellann, the Warren of Fire.


The Tiste Liosan are taller than humans, though of similar proportions. Their features are similar to Tiste Edur's, apart from their white, almost luminous skin and silver, slanted, epicanthic, almond-shaped eyes. Their hair is silver or gold and generally kept long. The Tiste Liosan are close kin to the Tiste Edur and Tiste Andii, though they do not share genetic descent. Internal anatomy differs from the human norm; specifically, the heart known to be buried deeper in the torso.


The Tiste Liosan source from Kurald Thyrllan, the Elder Warren of Light, and are not native to the Malazan world. In contrast to their apathetic kin, the Tiste Andii, the Liosan are high tempered, arrogant and zealous, dedicated priests of their god of light, Osserc. They viewed Trull Sengar as a lesser species of Tiste, which only showed their haughtiness. Enias refers to the Tiste Liosan language as 'The Language of Purity'. They are the least well-known of the Tiste races, and have the least contact with the Malazan world. Socially, the Liosan appear to be martially organized and hierarchical, led by warrior-priests. Their Liosan armour has a white enamel. They have a visored helm of the same material with a leather underlining webbed over eyes and cheeks by black iron mail. They employ a light, narrow-bladed ivory longsword, scabbarded in pale wood.

Interactions with the Malazan Empire

The Liosan have had no actual contact with the Malazan empire as of The Bonehunters.

Appearances in the Novels

The Tiste Liosan make the fewest appearances of the Tiste races in the Malazan series. Four Liosan warriors appeared in House of Chains, engaging briefly in combat with Trull Sengar, a Tiste Edur and Onrack, a T'lan Imass. They are then forced to co-operate with Sengar, Onrack and several other Imass in order to escape the shattered Warren they are trapped in. Subsequent to this they escape into the Malazan world, but, after nearly dying at the hands of Malazan sappers, they decide to retreat to their own Warren. The other Imass cause the destruction of the demon posing as Osserc (L'oric' familiar). The Tiste Liosan named L'oric, son of Osserc, then goes to find his father. Osserc is found and does not return immediately, instead L'oric finds a new familiar and they return from Raraku's memory which was similar to a warren. In Return of The Crimson Guard, a small group of Tiste Liosan have a brief and humiliating encounter with Cowl and Skinner within the Imperial Warren. Also in Dust of Dreams a group of about eight Tiste Liosan encounter and are killed by Yedan Derryg (The Watch) within a private warren/path created by Yan Tovis (Twilight).

During the invasion of Lether by the 14th army (in the course of Reapers Gale), the high mage Beak makes mention of a large scale, fanatical war fought between the Tiste Liosan and Forkrul Assail, countless millennia ago. The cause of the war was said to be a difference in their righteous, intransigent philosophies of what justice is. There was no winner of that war and both races were severely weakened by it. It is unknown whether or not the war continued into the modernity of the Malazan timeline but it was mentioned later on in the Toll of the Hounds that the Forkrul Assail have been warring with another Elder race on the continent of Assail for countless centuries using humans as their soldiers.

Italic text=== Characters ===

The Eleint

They do not play a large role in the Malazan world because they are not from there. The Eleint created the warrens at the order of K'rul. Eleints share ownership of the warrens with each other, so that one warren may have three dragons associated with it rather than only one. K'rul and his Eleint are the sources of sorcery, creators of the warrens and K'rul is the path-shaper. The Soletaken are children of Tiam, yet are not pure-blood Eleint, however they do possess the power of the Eleint. They are free to go where they please and have become a problem for the warrens, for every gate is a wound to the warren. Scabandari Bloodeye is blamed for doing the first harm to the warrens when he created a gate in Kurald Emurlahn.


They are the typical dragon. They are scaled with colors ranging from black to gold. Tiam is said to have died and been reborn many times. Sukul Ankhadu claims that Tiam dies giving birth to all her children. The Eleint Sorrit had aquamarine blood.


At the order of K'rul, the Eleint created the warrens. K'rul had commanding authority over many of his kind, until they broke loose from their long-standing servitude to K'rul, when they sought to grasp power for themselves.

Tiam creates many half-breed children, Soletaken.

Interactions with the Malazan Empire

The interactions are through Kruppe who speaks on behalf of K'rul. Kruppe travels his dreams unintentionally and speaks to K'rul there.

Appearances in the Novels

The Eleint do not have viewed portion in the interacting world of the Malazan, but is behind the scenes.

Tiam, Mother of all Eleint, had two daughters with Osserc, Menandore and Sukul Ankhadu.

Silanah, an Eleint, is a companion to Anomander Rake who battled Raest on the Rhivi Plains outside of Darujhistan. She now watches over Black Coral as a silent sentinel.

Someone defeated the Eleint, Sorrit, drove her down into the earth, into a cavern within a sky keep, and spiked her with Blackwood and bound by otataral. An iron spike as thick around as a torso had been driven into the dragon's throat. She was found by Mappo Runt and Icarium.

Other Eleint include: Alkend, Anthras, Atrahal, Karatallid, Karosis, Kessobahn, Korbas, Okaros, and the Otataral Dragon.

Olar Ethil is the Soletaken champion of the Imass. She controls a part of Thyr, as does Eloth. She is hugely boned, with skin like dry shark-hide. Her wing-span dwarfs even Anomander Rake. With the wing bones multi-jointed in a pattern like a crushed bat wing, each joint prominent beneath taut, cracked skin. Her head is as wide as it was long with the eyes high on the skull. Her skull is sloped back to a basal serration almost buried in neck and jaw muscles.

Draconus, too, is Soletaken. He had two daughters with Sheltatha Lore, Lady Envy and Sister Spite.

Pure Eleint Characters

The Eleint are dragons who have only had a minor role in the series so far.


Silanah is an ally and companion to Anomander Rake. Her most notable role to date was her battle with Raest on the Rhivi Plains outside of Darujhistan. Now she watches over Black Coral.


Found dead in a cavern in a sky keep by Icarium and Mappo Runt. She had been spiked with blackwood and bound with otataral.


Chained in the shadow realm. Talks with Cotillion in Bonehunters.


Chained in the shadow realm. Talks with Cotillion in Bonehunters.


Chained in the shadow realm. Talks with Cotillion in Bonehunters.

Non-pure Eleint Characters

The non-pure Eleint are soletaken characters (i.e. they can take on a humanoid or draconian form) who are descendants from Tiam and either Osserc or Scabandari, and who have primarily used Stavald Demelian, the warren of the Eleint.

Sukul Ankhadu

Daughter of Deceit, also known as Dapple. Descendant of Tiam and Osserc. Sister to Menandore and Sheltatha Lore. Her skin is grey and black covered by a cuirass of aged iron, chain and leather braces and greaves, and a full-length sealskin cape. In her Soletaken form she is a dragon of mottled skin, neither light nor dark but an interplay between the two.

Sheltatha Lore

Daughter Dusk. Descendant of Tiam and Osserc. She is cousin and sister to Sukul Ankhadu and Menandore. She had two children with Draconus named Envy and Spite. Betrayed by her sisters, she was defeated and imprisoned in the Azath house in Lether some time following the betrayal perpetrated by her father Scabandari Bloodeye. In her Soletaken form she is a dragon of grayish brown skin.


Tiste Edur

The Tiste Edur race originally come from the Shattered Warren, Kurald Emurlahn, the Elder Warren of Shadow. After their invasion, they live in a tribal group isolated to the northeast portion of Lether and several other minor pockets on other continents, such as far west of Seven Cities.

Tiste Andii

The Tiste Andii race originated in their warren, the Warren of Darkness. After leaving the warren, most lived in Moon's Spawn. However there are two small groups which live elsewhere. One lives in Bluerose, a tiny mountain city inland of the Letherii Empire. The other group live on the island Drift Avalii, with the job of protecting the Throne of Shadow.

Tiste Liosan

The Tiste Liosan source from Kurald Thyrllan, the Elder Warren of Light, and are not native to the Malazan world. Very little is known of them due to their lack of interaction with the Malazan world.

The Eleint

The Eleint were created in the Chaos Warren, yet now live in Starvald Demelain Warren. With the exception of Silanah, Ampelas, Karse, Eloth, and Sorrit, none have been found outside of the Starvald Demelain Warren.


Magic in the series involves tapping power from inside the mage, taking power from spirits, or most commonly using the power of a Warren or Hold. The effects created varies depending on where the magic is taken from, how it is combined, and the intent of the mage. Warrens are themselves complete realms or worlds containing sentient and non-sentient creatures, geography and a ruling creature, usually a god. The power of warrens are theorized to come from dragons, each of whom have an aspect the same as the warren. Most races have a racial Warren that exhibits particular effects or properties; humans generally tap Warrens based on an innate preference that produce limited or specific effects. The books have stated that Warrens are best described as closed doors in the mage's mind. Accessing the power behind it requires careful, and deliberate opening to unleash and shape the power within. Controlling an open Warren is a draining process, and to open the door too far is to invite madness, physical harm, or death upon the mage. Racial Warrens are Elder, unavailable to humans in most cases, and significantly more powerful, in addition to being immune to the magic-deadening effects of otataral.

Tiste Warrens

Formal name Other names Other names and attributes
Starvald Demelain Elder Warren of Dragons
The Tiam Warren
The Dragon Hold
Open to the Eleint; the First Warren
Kurald Galain Elder Warren of Darkness Open to the Tiste Andii
Kurald Emurlahn Elder Warren of Shadow
The Shattered Warren
The Empty Hold
Open to the Tiste Edur; currently sundered
Kurald Thyrllan Elder Warren of Light Open to the Tiste Liosan; in most cases sealed off from access by other races or Warrens
Kurald Liosan Another name for the Elder Warren of Light Open to the Tiste Liosan; in most cases sealed off from access by other races or Warrens